The Practice of Propaganda By Redefining Words
Societal Engineering: Alter a word’s associations and change a person’s viewpoint on subjects that involve that word.
In this write-up, I share Glenn Beck’s comments on words the far-left is trying to redefine for their sole benefit. In addition, I plan to share my comments and visuals in various formats to assist knowledge intake. The following list is only a handful of words the left has been attempting to redefine for their benefit. There are many more, and I encourage you to share them in the comments.
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has officially declared that a “technical recession” has hit the United States. But, as the Biden Admin ends its second consecutive quarter of decline in a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), otherwise known as a recession, they now want to redefine what a ‘recession’ means.
Here are Glenn Beck’s thoughts on the matter:
“… they're saying, ‘This is not a recession, and we won't know if this is a recession for at least a year.’ Oh, okay. So just about the time that all the elections are over, in between the next election and this election, that's when we'll find out. Definitely not near an election.”
“I think everybody knows we're in a recession. And I don't care what you call it. But this is what a recession feels like. In fact, I think a crisis is probably a better definition of a recession. But I don't care what you call it. It's what it feels like and what it actually is that matters.”
Here is a Tucker Carlson Biden claiming there is no recession during our current recession:
Gender Identity

As gender identity remains a hot topic in recent years, nothing could predict the direction public schools are taking when educating young children on this subject. When declaring a newborn to be either male or female, the biology is simple — it is precisely that simplicity that cripples many of the left’s talking points to where they cannot win arguments surrounding gender. So they redefine genders. Or, in a recent case, refusing to define a specific gender altogether because they are ‘not a biologist.’
Glenn Beck gives his thoughts on this topic:
“… it is so important when you can't win the argument. You just changed the language. Men can have babies. All right, well, then I don't ever want to be left out of the abortion debate ever again. Men can have babies. That's not a baby. That's a fetus. Can you please look up the Latin definition of the word fetus? Because I think it means baby.”
Domestic Terrorism
The far-left attempts to shift the definition of a ‘terrorist’ from a radical person with the means of violence to change policies to now concerned parents about what their children are taught in school.
Glenn Beck:
“… we all know what a domestic terrorist is. We all know what terrorism is. Terrorism is creating fear through some sort of an incident that is aimed to change a policy of a person, a corporation, or a country, some sort of threat, or actual use of violence to change policies. That's what terrorism is… I don't think anyone, at any time, in any country, in the history of mankind, has ever said that parents showing up at a meeting, saying, ‘Hey, guys, you're teaching my kid to question their own sexuality, and whether they're a male or a female. I don't think that's a good idea.’ Terrorist. There's nobody that's ever defined a parent caring about his child as a terrorist. Until now,…”
The left was quick to dub protestors on January 6 insurrectionist — why? Because the word ‘protestor’ does not fulfill the false violent imagery they wish to convey to the public of those involved on January 6; hence the reason to redefine an ‘insurrectionist.’

Glenn Beck clarifies what an insurrectionist is over the left’s false meaning — claims that the Democrats are the ones’ plotting a hostile takeover of the country,’—referring to their current policies that would ensure their dominant position over the country.
Glenn Beck:
“This is all from the Biden administration, we've had the change of the word insurrectionist. Now, what is insurrection? Because I would define that as people who are plotting a hostile takeover of the country, which isn't what the right is doing. It's what the left is doing. It's what Antifa does, you know, along with terrorism.”
Voter Suppression

Despite consistent voter turnouts among blacks (see graph above), the Democrats continue false claims that Republicans are making it harder for black people to vote by requiring a voter to show identification before they cast their votes. This ID requirement is what the far-left refers to as ‘voter suppression.’ No longer is someone with violent tendencies intimidating you while casting a ballot, but rather, showing ID requirement—something we do to access far less significant events in our lives.
Glenn Beck:
“How about voter suppression?… We all know what voter suppression is… somebody standing at the polls going? “Don't think you're gonna vote today. Boy.” That's voter suppression. I don't think Mark Zuckerberg should pay to have these collection boxes. There, you know, all throughout the community, and we should change the way we're voting is voter suppression. That's just called going back to the way it always has been.”
Illegal Aliens

Glenn suggests that eliminating ‘illegal aliens’ give Democrats the tools to pave a path that will define illegal aliens as ‘voters’ here in the United States. The recent move by the Biden Administration, allowing illegal immigrants to have official IDs, is one step toward Glenn’s revelation, as mentioned above.
Glenn Beck:
“The other word that he's changed is an illegal alien. Now, we used to say those are people who are migrants who are entering the country illegally. Alien, not meaning those from outer space. But those from another country… It's not a derogatory thing. It's just the definition of what that person is in that country that is foreign to them… now we have undocumented citizens or non-citizens and the new language saying that they're a non-citizen. I don't know how inclusive that really is. I mean, it sounds pretty human dehumanizing myself. I mean, you're a non-citizen. So what does that make me? Nothing… illegal aliens are going to be defined as voters soon. So they're changing the language.”

The far left logic: You’re not for banning guns? Then you’re anti-police—people who do not support banning guns do not care about the safety of police officers. Glenn describes the left’s reason to change this meaning as the purpose of criminalizing any conservative that supports the 2nd amendment.
According to Glenn Beck, the left’s logic behind changing the meaning of anti-police will favor them immediately as more Democrats already favor banning guns—perceiving them to be ‘the good guys.’

Glenn Beck:
“Here's another thing that Biden is changing the definition of pro-police. Now, what does anti-police mean?… That would be someone who says we should abolish the cops. All policemen are dirty. All policemen are racist… They're so excited to go out and just shoot black people—that I think would be anti-police. But Biden is changing this. If you're anti-police, you're someone who disagrees with his gun bans that makes you anti-police. ”
“Why is he changing the definition of the word anti-police? Because we're riddled with crime. They have to blame the gun. Because the gun is tied directly in people's minds to Red State people. Red State people are Donald Trump people.”
Why Change The Language?
As Joe Biden continues blaming others for his mistakes, a handful of his followers, who are influential individuals such as mainstream media & Hollywood celebrities, are victims of recent social engineering. Again, alter a word’s associations and change a person’s viewpoint on subjects involving that word — you are now more in control.
Glenn Beck:
“… when you change the language, you can then claim that you’re a big part in making gas prices so much lower and people are happy about it. That’s the latest claim from Joe Biden. We now have 40,000 gas stations in the United States where the price of gas is only $3.99. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you. Thank you for that. By the way. $3.99 is still the highest Americans have ever paid for gas.”
7 times the far-left changed WORD meanings just to 'win'
Analysis: Biden on Pace to Bring 2.1M Illegal Aliens to U.S. Border in 2022
Share of Americans who favor gun restrictions in 2021, by restriction, political party