
President Trump to Alaska Voters: Here's Your Chance To Dump RINO Lisa Murkowski Democrats

“This is your precious chance to dump the horrific RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski, who's worse than a Democrat.”

Lisa Murkowski Often Votes for Democrats

President Trump centered on Senator Murkowski’s decisions to often vote with Democrats on key issues that hurt the Republican Party:

Murkowski repeatedly voted in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, and she voted against allowing funding for the border wall… She opposes Brett Kavanaugh, his confirmation to the supreme court he just gave you the most important vote you've ever had. But she was against him. She voted to approve Joe Biden's radical left Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

According to govtrack.us, Senator Lisa Murkowski is “Ranked most politically left compared to Senate Republicans” — criteria is based on “their legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress.”

The chart is based on the bills Murkowski has sponsored and cosponsored from Jan 3, 2017, to Jun 23, 2022. See full analysis methodology.

President Trump calls out Senator Murkowski for her historic mistake to oppose Justice Kavanaugh (who was a critical vote in the recent Roe v Wade decision) while approving a radical leftist:

She opposes Brett Kavanaugh, his confirmation to the supreme court he just gave you the most important vote you've ever had. But she was against him. She voted to approve Joe Biden's radical left Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, the most far-left justice in history…

Nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court of the United States

Murkowski voted YES (votesmart.org)

Nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States

Murkowski voted NO (votesmart.org)

Sen. Murkowski Supporting Taxpayer-Funds For Late-Term Abortion

… Murkowski voted to support taxpayer-funded late-term abortions. Nine months the baby can be born, like in Virginia—remember the governor of Virginia? The baby's born, and then we'll sit down with a mother and find out what we want to do with it. Remember that guy? Well, that's basically what they're approving. That's basically what they're doing, and Murkowski voted in favor of…

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Murkowski voted NO (votesmart.org)

Murkowski Voted For Trump’s Impeachment (not in the clip above, but came shortly after)

Lisa Murkowski sided with the radical Democrats in the second impeachment hoax… after two years, they did come out with a conclusion… No collusion after two years. But she [Murkowski] voted for it; she was all for him [Biden]. But she voted to impeach me.

Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors

Murkowski voted YES (votesmart.org)