MIDTERM ELECTIONS: 55% Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Outcome, HALF OF VOTERS Expect Widespread Cheating in Midterms
Two surveys were taken in regard to the upcoming midterms. The first took a step back to look at the 2020 presidential election while the second was looking forward to the 2022 midterms.
As we approach midterm elections, Rasmussen reports that nearly half of surveyed voters expect widespread cheating. Rasmussen’s Mark Mitchell joins Emerald Robinson on Absolute Truth to discuss the survey’s results.
Two surveys were taken regarding the upcoming midterms. The first took a step back to look at the 2020 presidential election:
“…Rasmussen Reports asked 1000 People How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? 33% said it was very likely, 22% said somewhat likely, only 11% said it wasn’t very likely, and 29% said… Not at all likely. 5% said they weren’t sure.”
Mitchell breaks down party affiliation of those who believe there was likely election fraud—points out that only 29% believe that cheating affecting the 2020 election was not likely.
“…if you look at the party breakdowns, Republicans are more suspicious; obviously, 75% Say cheating likely affected the outcome of the 2020 election. But still, 53% A majority of independents say the same thing. And 35% of Democrats. And I think it’s also telling to look at the people who say Nope; it’s not at all likely cheating happened. That’s only 29% of voters. So less than a third of voters are absolutely confident that the cheating is not affecting the outcome of election, but only 8% of Republicans. So Republicans have absolutely no confidence in our electoral system.”
The next was looking forward to the 2022 midterms:
“…another new Rasmussen report poll out to it asked 1000 People How likely is it that there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections? 25% said very likely, 24% said somewhat likely, 18% said not very likely. And 23% said not at all likely.”
The most concerning message produced from these surveys is that only 9% of Republicans (36% of Democrats) have confidence in our electoral system and believe cheating is not likely in the upcoming midterms. As evidence of election fraud continues to become too obvious to hide, more voters are learning the truth of what happened during the ‘The Big Steal’ of 2020.
Great work, Unga!!!