Jussie Smollett 2.0: Mainstream Amplifies Racism HOAX to Push ACTUAL Hate On Conservative-Leaning Religion
The victim? Brigham Young University (BYU) is a private university operated and owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—the most heavily Republican-leaning religious group in the U.S.
Duke volleyball player, Rachel Richardson, claims she was a victim of “slurs” from BYU fans who “racially heckled” her during Duke's volleyball match-up against Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT. Now, pay attention to Richardson's verbiage and recognize her carefully chosen words to deliver this message. Richardson does not claim they heckled “racial slurs” at her—nope. Instead, she claims to be “racially heckled,” and in the following sentence mentions they were taunting “slurs” and other “comments.” In other words? Richardson believes BYU fans were yelling at her because she was black, not because she was a player from the away team.
The actual crime is what happened shortly after these claims were made public. Without any investigation or due process, mainstream media pushed the false narrative that immediately prompted South Carolina women's basketball coach Dawn Staley to cancel her program series against BYU. Staley had no first-hand knowledge of the incident. But she felt compelled to take action after watching mainstream media push the false allegations. Will Cain exposes this incident in the segment clip below:
Another insightful segment by Clay Travis:
The BYU police have performed an internal investigation and found no evidence that suggests Duke's volleyball player is a victim of racism. This investigation included an in-depth analysis of videos of the volleyball match. BYU associate athletic director Jon McBride confirmed that university officials came to the same conclusion. He said:
Various BYU Athletics employees have been reviewing video from BYUtv and other cameras in the facility that the volleyball team has access to for film review. This has been ongoing since right after the match on Friday night. The person who was banned was the person identified by Duke as using racial slurs. However, we have been unable to find any evidence of that person using slurs in the match.
Let's fast-forward a few weeks to the football match-up with BYU vs. Oregon at Autzen Stadium. After weeks of listening to mainstream media pound into many young liberal minds that BYU has a racist fan base, how do you think Oregon fans reacted? Exactly how one would expect brainwashed liberals to act, like idiots. Oregon fans chanted anti-religion slurs at the BYU football team, and these Duck fans were not only heard but caught on film:
See how that works? People say terrible things; it gets caught on camera. After the video went viral, The University of Oregon has issued an apology to BYU—but if someone can see Oregon fans at Autzen Stadium, one of the loudest stadiums in college sports, hurling anti-religion slurs, why wasn’t anyone able to capture the racial slurs against the Duke player? Richardson claims BYU fans shouted slurs at her throughout the game, but NOT ONE person caught it on film? Or better yet, why haven’t any fans, players, security guards, ushers, or coaches on either sides come out to back Richardson’s allegations?
Now let’s say Richardson is telling the truth, and she did hear these “racially-heckled” slurs and comments. One thing is clear, these slurs and comments weren’t coming from any voices outside her head—it’s possible she heard what she wanted to hear to make sense of her terrible performance during that match against and eventual loss to BYU.